Huwebes, Oktubre 3, 2013

Fish siomai

There are that times when we got sick of meat. We all know that too much meat will be a bad thing for our health. Eating too much meat will not only cause us to be fat or gain weight but it will also cause us to suffer different diseases. There was this dish that I am fond of eating. It was a very simple dish and was very healthy to eat.
To make the fish siomai you need 1 kg. of fish meat, you can use milkfish or tilapia. You also need 1 pack of egg. and 2 packs of Molo wrapper. For curing mixture you need ¾ of refined table salt, 1 teaspoon of Phosphate and ¼ cup of chilled water. For the extender mixture you need ¼ cup of TVP Powder, ½ of cup Carageenan and ½ cup of chilled water. For the seasonings you need ½ tablespoon of ground white pepper, 2 tablespoons of garlic that are chopped finely, ¾ cup of carrots that are shredded, ¼ cup of young green onions, chopped finely and ½ cup of  grated cheese. You also need 1 teaspoon of Paprika, 2 tablespoons of sesame oil and 1 teaspoon of BF blend.

This is what you are going to do with the ingredients. Dissolve all the ingredients for the curing mix using the chilled water in a bowl. You set aside it. In a cup dissolve all the ingredients for the extenders.  Combine in another bowl all the seasonings, make sure to mix the ingredients well. Add the fish meat to the curing mixture and repeatedly fold it inwardly until tacky. Then, mix in the extenders. Transfer the meat mixture into ythe bowl with seasonings. This will make sure nothing is wasted. Mix everything well. Add the egg and combine it well into the siomai meat, set aside and lay out the wrappers in a clean tray and put two teaspoonfuls or about 10g. Of siomai meat ion each wrapper. To fold the wrapper gather up its edges and gently pleat it using your thimb and poit finger. Make sure to stick the wrapper to the meat while pleating it. Then press the top with your other thumb.Garnish the siomai with shredded carrots on top. You may now steam these siomai for 30 minutes or pack them before storing in the freezer.This recipe would yield 1.46 kg or 146 pcs of siomai. It can be kept frozen for a month but if not refrigerated, it can only last for three days. Actually, the meat can last longer than that but the wrapper spoils easily.

Fish siomai is hard to do and a little bit expensive but bit could be a very nice dish especially in a very especial occasion. Just be sure to give your best in cooking it. Pour out your heart in every procedure to make the best out of it. this very simple recipe can turn out to be the main dish. have fun trying it. this siomai will sure to catch your taste. Enjoy eating!

Credits from lutong pinoy for the ingredients

Hell week Break

       “Hell week” a series of days of not sleeping, relaxing and having fun. That's what UP students suffer when finals is coming. It is the horror of all horror. Scary as it seems but really it makes UP students a living zombie. If you don't want to get failing grades, you really have to work hard for it. The word “sleep”  or even “rest” will no longer be part of your vocabulary. If struggling for survival would help you then you really have to take the risk.


        Just the smell of it makes my stomach rumble. I thought leaking saliva only happens in movies but honestly it actually happens. Just leaning to the right side of the canteen as you enter lets me see heaven  or maybe I am exaggerating, food stall maybe. Seeing it is just makes me feel to have just a very short break. I can't actually go out to the canteen without having one. I often go there and study. Our brain is like an engine that needs fuel as for me my brain needs siomai.

One thing I know to relieve my stress in too much plates and papers is to go to the canteen. The canteen is the best place to eat and at the same time to relax. Even for a short while I really want to try forgetting about all the thingamajigs that I have to do. Every time I go to the canteen there is really this smell that captivates my attention. Food maybe is very obvious but when you talk about better ones, the smell of siomai really catches my attention. It is not just a simple siomai. It was fried soimai, my stress therapy.

        Lining up for it will never be a waste.  As I open my mouth, I can immediately sense the spicy flavor of the added sauce for the fried siomai. Once I take my first bite from it my eyes closes as I hear its crunch. Munching it lets me taste a mix of ground pork and the unique blend of its fried taste. I can hardly identify if the wrapper was still there because it makes a great combination with the fried pork inside it. The chili sauce makes me feel like I am in a Filipino restaurant. I feel like I am eating “sinugbang baboy” with a special blend of fried ribs. All those things takes me away from reality. It makes me forget hell week even for just 5 minutes of my life.

Chicken Siomai

Chicken Siomai

Surfing the net for food ingredients. That’s what I used to do before for my past time. I surf for ingredients and I let my sister do it. I kinda’ help a little of course. There was this one time when I got the chicken siomai ingredients. Of course I love chicken and eating is my favorite stress reliever. I thank the for the another ingredients I learned that day.

To make it, you neeed Makes 36 pieces .Prep time 20 minutes, plus 1 hour chilling time and cooking time 10 to  15 minutes. For the ingredients you need 1/2 lb of chicken thigh that are deboned and skinless. You also need 8 medium shrimp that are peeled, deveined, and diced into small pieces, 2 black fungus that are chopped into thin threads, 1/2 tablespoon of finely chopped fresh ginger, 1/2 tablespoon of finely chopped scallion (white part only) and 1/8 teaspoon of sesame oil. Other ingredients you need are 3 dashes white pepper, 1/4 teaspoon of chicken bouillon powder, 1/2 tablespoon of corn starch, 1/2 tablespoon of egg white, a pinch of salt, round wonton skin and finely chopped Carrot and peas for garnishing.

Using a mini food processor, ground the chicken but make sure that it’s corsely ground. Mix the chicken with other ingredients and seasonings and set aside in the fridge for 20 minutes.Place about a tablespoon of filling on each wrapper, gather up the sides and leave the center open. Garnish the top with some chopped carrot and a pea. Steam in a bamboo steamer for about 5 minutes. Serve it hot. enjoy it with your family.

Beef Siomai

Back when I am still in high school, my friends and I love to eat siomai. We all want to share different types of it and enjoy eating it on the sea  wall.  It was our favgorite past time when we don’t have classes and before we went home. There are a lot of siomai vendors in our place in which we can enjoy. Now that I am in college I still have the craving of this beef siomai.
To make beef siomai you’ll need 1/2 lbs of ground beef. You also need 3/4 cup minced onion, 3/4 cup of minced carrots. Another ingredients are 1 egg, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper and siomai wrapper. These ingredients can be easily found in the market. The reason why I love making beef siomai is that it is easier to make than other siomai. This takes only few of your efforts but ofcourse requires your full love for your recipe.
To make it you need to combine all the ingredients together, of course except the wrapper.
Wrap the meat in the siomai wrapper by placing about 1 tbsp of meat in the center of the wrapper then press all the sides to the middle leaving an open space on top. Prepare the steamer. Put cheese cloth on the steamer before placing all the wrapped siomai to avoid wrapped siomai to stick into the steamer. Steam the wrapped siomai for 10-15 minutes.Serve with soy sauce & calamansi or lemon. Now you can enjoy eating it with your friends

Credits to google for the beef siomai ingredients

Miyerkules, Oktubre 2, 2013

30 minutes to China

What do you think about China? A beautiful place right? A place where people preserved their culture and where your eyes get blinded by the beautiful scenarios they have.  Many of us wanted to go to China but China is 1930.12 miles away from Philippines. Very far, right? But you know you can be there in just thirty minutes. If you want to try it, just follow steps.

Getting to China requires a lot of money, you need passport and everything. This time were just gonna' need your extra effort. This only require little amount of money and your patients of course. Grab your basket and prepare yourself. Fasten your seat belt cause' after this we're off to China.

You go to the market and buy the following ingredients. It is better to use your basket to be eco-friendly. You buy 1 kg. of ground pork,suggested proportion of fat to lean meat is 1:3. You also buy 1/3 of cup chopped water chestnuts or turnips, 3/4 cup of chopped carrots, 2 tbsp or 4 cloves minced of garlic, 2 medium or 1 large minced onions and bunch of spring onions or leeks. You also need 1 egg, 5 tablespoons sesame oil, 1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper, 1 teaspoon salt, 5 g seasonings, 50 pcs. large or 100 pcs. small wanton or siomai wrapper, soy sauce, calamansi (lemon or kumquats) and sesame oil and chilli paste for the sauce. the ingredients was based on Chinese ingredients for siomai.

After you have gather all the ingredients, mix all the ingredients for the filling in a bowl. Arrange 10 wrappers in a tray, and weigh 100 g. of siomai mixture. Place 2 tsp of meat in each wrapper until nothing is left unfilled. Each wrapper will have 10 grams of siomai. To enclose, gather up the edges of the wrapper and gently fold it so that it forms a basket shape, with the top of the filling exposed. Press lightly as you pleat each side. If you don’t want to expose the filling, use a bigger wrapper. Do the same to the remaining meat mixture. Meanwhile, boil water and brush steamer with oil. When the water gets to a rolling boil, arrange the siomai in the steamer and let stand for 15-20 minutes, longer for larger pieces. Serve with soy sauce, calamansi and sesame oil. Chilli paste is optional.

If you want to have a Chili Sauce you'll need 1/8 kilo Chillies (Siling Labuyo), 3 tablespoons cooking oil, 2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced dried shrimp or meat finely chopped or grind. To make the Chili Sauce, combine chopped chillies, dried shrimp or meat and minced garlic then simmer for around 20 minutes or till most of the water has evaporated. Add oil, simmer and stir well. Now that your Chili sauce is done, you add it to your siomai. You can now enjoy eating it together with your family.

Eating Chinese siomai will take you to China. It is only a matter of minutes and you can enjoy it together with your family. Chinese people loves spicy food. With it you can feel like your eating in a prestigious restaurant. Now you can enjoy travelling in China anytime. Make sure you pour out your heart while cooking, it will make the food even better.

credits to Chinese siomai ingredients

Martes, Oktubre 1, 2013

Overnight Siomai

     “Fine arts students” that's what the people call us. I am currently studying in the University of the Philippines Cebu as a Fine arts student. We are unique, talented for and we are different from other students which is why I am proud of being one. As a studio artist I do painting, sketching and any form of Visual arts. Now that the semester is about to end we have tons to do for our finals. Staying in different place is hard to manage especially if you have a whole plywood to paint.

     What do we do when we have our plates? Of course we overnight every Thursday night up to Sunday. It was our only time to focus on our works. We do hard work together. Being with your fellow artist makes you concentrate more in your work. You will also have someone to critique your work. It's not boring to over night. When you feel sleepy you will have friends to keep you awake in different ways. It was fun but when you feel hungry, that's when the problem starts.

     I live in the dorm and we can't cook inside. We just buy food outside. That's one problem that I have for we can't go outside to buy food after 10:00 PM. My first over night was a catastrophe of hunger. I was so hungry that I can't focus on what I a doing. I tried to focus my self to it but then I just can't. Luckily I have a friend who was kind enough to lend me food.

     From that day on I learned something. I need food to keep me going. Every night before I go to the Fine Arts room I buy food. The only food I think about was siomai. Now we share siomai every time we over night. The taste of it calms me from being tired of painting. The reason why I was still fresh in painting was my favorite food siomai. I did not get fat, I guess but it build my confidence to be bigger.  

The Siomai Back Home

     Just few months ago I was eating siomai at my old school, just few months ago I was sitting in the waiting shed, savoring it while waiting for our “sundo”. Just few months ago I was smiling as I took a bite of it to relieve my self from too much stress. Those were my last moment with my old school. Few days after that I was in a ceremony for graduation. Looking back brings a little nostalgia inside me.
     Our visual art class ends at 5:00 PM. After that we would ran back to our advisory room competing of who will come first. It was a daily routine for us for the last two years of our lives. It was believed that that place was full of ghosts and spirits that's why we would hurry back to the main building. Our competition does not end just like that; we would still clean our classroom until we can see our reflection on the floor. Students clean the room, of course what do you expect from a public school.
   It was a daily competition, not because we are competitive people but because we are having fun doing it so. Moments after those would be a picture of tired warriors giving up. That would be the end of the battle, no winner neither nor loser but a tie for everyone. It was indeed tiring so to cool down ourselves we go to the store in front of our school. We buy anything that was in it. Some will buy gulaman, kwek-kwek, tempura and pearl coolers. As for me I buy siomai, my daily refresher for my brain.
    Now as I remember the siomai back home; it was not the taste of the siomai that made it especial. It was the good people around me whom I spent my four years with. They made the very simple siomai into a very especial one. Now I know what's the secret behind it. It was the hardwork you gave for it makes the food tastier and the people around you adds the especial flavor. And so after the long day, please eat siomai with me.

Linggo, Setyembre 29, 2013

Eating Sea food in the Beach

Trying to remember summer reminds me of the sea. The sound of the billowing wind and the music of the whistling wind drive me to escape from the reality.  What is more adorable to picture is a happy family having a good time together. Those things are so nice to look forward into. Relaxing is the greatest escape I’ve known so far. When we talk about relaxing of course that is he time that foods comes into our mind.
           Semestral break is fast approaching. Families will surely love to spend even one of their three weeks for their sons and daughters. Spending it would be very special if it would be in a very relaxing place namely the beach.  Talking about beach would always require food, right? Food will never be scratch on your list. If you are having a hard time looking for a dish for your outing i have a tip for you. 
           You only need 1 kg. of shrimp, 1/3 cup of Chopped Water Chestnut,1/3 cup Chopped Carrots
and a bunch of spring onions or leeks. You also need 1 egg, 5 tablespoon of sesame oil and 1 Teaspoon freshly ground pepper. 1 Teaspoon saltm, 50 pcs Wonton Siomao Wrapper, Soy sauce and calamansi is also needed. You can also make your own soy sauce depending on your taste. Preparing this dish only require small amount of money.
          Mix all the ingredients for the filling in a bowl. Spoon 1 tablespoon of mixture into each wrapper. Fold and seal. Meanwhile, boil water and brush steamer with oil. When the water gets to a rolling boil, arrange the siomai in the steamer and let stand for 15-20 minutes, longer for larger pieces. Serve it  with soy sauce, calamansi and sesame oil. Chilli paste is optional. For the wrapper, beat egg and mix with flour till free of lumps. Bring water, cooking oil and salt to a boil, then pour in flour. Remove it from heat and beat until mixture forms a ball. Divide the dough into 1 1/4 -inch balls. Roll each ball on a floured board until paper thin the set aside.
               If your family love chili sauce here is the tip. The simplest version of chilli sauce would be to chop chillies well and fry them in oil, sesame or vegetable oil, never olive oil if you want it to have a Filipino taste.Chilli Paste:Combine chopped chillies and minced garlic then simmer for around 20 minutes or till most of the water has evaporated. Add oil, simmer and stir well. 
              Now your family can enjoy a special chili shrimp siomai in the beach. They will surely love the chili taste and a mix of salty and spicy flavor. A laughter with your love ones increases it's tastiness. Be sure to prepare it with love and a smile on your face. Enjoy your bonding!

Iingredients were based on pinoy siomai recipe

Miyerkules, Setyembre 25, 2013

Healthy Siomai

Why is it important to eat vegetables? One answer may be vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risk for heart disease, including heart attack and stroke. For mature people eating vegetable is very essential but for children…well, I guess a big “no…no”. Letting children eat vegetables is a big problem, right? It often causes the third world war inside your house or worst.
            What’s with veggies anyway? Maybe there is just one thing that parents forgot. Children love tasty sounding food. Just a sound of “veggies” stimulates their brain that it’s not tasty. Parents should do something about it in order to maintain their child’s health and nutrition while growing. One answer to the problem may be “siomai”. Siomai is an all time favorite for children, so it will always do the trick.
            To make the healthy sioami you’ll need 1 piece of carrots
1 piece of  Singkamas, 2 pieces of garlic cloves, 1 piece of onion, 1 bundle horse radish, 1 piece whole egg, 1 piece cornstarch. You also need ½ tablespoon of salt, ½ tablespoon of pepper, ½ tablespoon of brown sugar and 2 pieces of big cabbage 1 pack of Oil, 1 pack soy sauce and 1 piece of spring onion, chili and lemon. You need all those ingredients to create the so called vegetable siomai but using chili is optional especially when it will be served for children. Make sure your veggies were from safe market. Buy those fresh vegetables and I suggest that you will be the one to put the veggies inside your basket.
            To prepare wash all the vegetables for your safety. Sanitation is very important.
You grate carrots, singkamas and garlic. Make sure that it is properly grated. Mince the onion and horse raddish. Mix into bowl, add egg and flour, salt, pepper. You can set aside it then blanch the cabbage. Use spoon for portioning the mixture into cabbage and wrap. Spring onion is use to tie and steam for about 8 to 10 minutes.
            If you like your healthy siomai with sauce, you have to mince the garlic and chili. You set aside it then heat oil and sauce the garlic, add soy sauce and chili when the garlic is already brown. Once you’re done, you can now enjoy it with special someone or your children. I am pretty sure they will love it.

Linggo, Agosto 4, 2013

To Show My Siomai

During summer time, spending your time inside your house is a punishment. It is a cruel and sore feeling that all your friends are having so much fun spending their summer while you are inside the four corners of your room. One of the best thing that I do to spend summer is cooking. The best dish that we prepare is pork siomai.

I’m not that good in cooking and so there I was, asking a little help from my younger sister (actually she do more than half of the work). Our philosophy in food was we eat what we think is delicious. We don’t really mind what is good or what is healthy for us. Why we think Filipino siomai is delicious is simply because it is made of ground pork, water chestnuts, carrots, minced onions, spring onions, egg, sesame oil, freshly ground pepper, and salt. The Filipino style siomai sauce is made of soy sauce, lemon, sesame oil, and chili paste.

My favorite taste bursts out from the siomai because of the ground pork, which is very tender and has extra bits of pork fat that makes it chewy and has a very light sweet taste. Siomai is good when it is eaten with rice. The versatile dimsum (the Cantonese term for small bite-sized portions of food often served in a small steamer, basket, or plate) has come to captivate not only my taste but also the national plate through the years.

The scent of siomai eliminates my bad vibes that I feel when I’m doing my home chores. It sure takes away your breath as you open the steamer. You will see the smiling siomai as if tempting you to eat it while it’s hot. It is best to eat siomai when you are stressed, tired, or even depressed.

Pork Siomai Ingredients:
v  1 kg Lean Ground Pork
v  1/3 cup chopped water chestnuts or turnips (singkamas)
v  1/3 cup chopped carrots
v  2 medium or 1 large minced onion(s)
v  Bunch of spring onions or leeks
v  1 egg
v  5 tablespoons sesame oil
v  1 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
v  1 teaspoon salt
v  50 pcs. Large or 100 pcs. small wanton or siomai wrapper
v  Soy sauce, calamansi (lemon or kumquats), sesame oil and chili paste (for the sauce)
v  1/4 cup water
v  1 egg
v  1 tablespoon vegetable or corn oil
v  1/4 teaspoon salt
v  1 ½ cups al-purpose flour
Chili Paste
v  1/8 kilo Chillies (Siling Labuyo)
v  3 tablespoons cooking oil
v  2 cloves garlic, peeled and minced