Huwebes, Oktubre 3, 2013

Fish siomai

There are that times when we got sick of meat. We all know that too much meat will be a bad thing for our health. Eating too much meat will not only cause us to be fat or gain weight but it will also cause us to suffer different diseases. There was this dish that I am fond of eating. It was a very simple dish and was very healthy to eat.
To make the fish siomai you need 1 kg. of fish meat, you can use milkfish or tilapia. You also need 1 pack of egg. and 2 packs of Molo wrapper. For curing mixture you need ¾ of refined table salt, 1 teaspoon of Phosphate and ¼ cup of chilled water. For the extender mixture you need ¼ cup of TVP Powder, ½ of cup Carageenan and ½ cup of chilled water. For the seasonings you need ½ tablespoon of ground white pepper, 2 tablespoons of garlic that are chopped finely, ¾ cup of carrots that are shredded, ¼ cup of young green onions, chopped finely and ½ cup of  grated cheese. You also need 1 teaspoon of Paprika, 2 tablespoons of sesame oil and 1 teaspoon of BF blend.

This is what you are going to do with the ingredients. Dissolve all the ingredients for the curing mix using the chilled water in a bowl. You set aside it. In a cup dissolve all the ingredients for the extenders.  Combine in another bowl all the seasonings, make sure to mix the ingredients well. Add the fish meat to the curing mixture and repeatedly fold it inwardly until tacky. Then, mix in the extenders. Transfer the meat mixture into ythe bowl with seasonings. This will make sure nothing is wasted. Mix everything well. Add the egg and combine it well into the siomai meat, set aside and lay out the wrappers in a clean tray and put two teaspoonfuls or about 10g. Of siomai meat ion each wrapper. To fold the wrapper gather up its edges and gently pleat it using your thimb and poit finger. Make sure to stick the wrapper to the meat while pleating it. Then press the top with your other thumb.Garnish the siomai with shredded carrots on top. You may now steam these siomai for 30 minutes or pack them before storing in the freezer.This recipe would yield 1.46 kg or 146 pcs of siomai. It can be kept frozen for a month but if not refrigerated, it can only last for three days. Actually, the meat can last longer than that but the wrapper spoils easily.

Fish siomai is hard to do and a little bit expensive but bit could be a very nice dish especially in a very especial occasion. Just be sure to give your best in cooking it. Pour out your heart in every procedure to make the best out of it. this very simple recipe can turn out to be the main dish. have fun trying it. this siomai will sure to catch your taste. Enjoy eating!

Credits from lutong pinoy for the ingredients

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