Martes, Oktubre 1, 2013

The Siomai Back Home

     Just few months ago I was eating siomai at my old school, just few months ago I was sitting in the waiting shed, savoring it while waiting for our “sundo”. Just few months ago I was smiling as I took a bite of it to relieve my self from too much stress. Those were my last moment with my old school. Few days after that I was in a ceremony for graduation. Looking back brings a little nostalgia inside me.
     Our visual art class ends at 5:00 PM. After that we would ran back to our advisory room competing of who will come first. It was a daily routine for us for the last two years of our lives. It was believed that that place was full of ghosts and spirits that's why we would hurry back to the main building. Our competition does not end just like that; we would still clean our classroom until we can see our reflection on the floor. Students clean the room, of course what do you expect from a public school.
   It was a daily competition, not because we are competitive people but because we are having fun doing it so. Moments after those would be a picture of tired warriors giving up. That would be the end of the battle, no winner neither nor loser but a tie for everyone. It was indeed tiring so to cool down ourselves we go to the store in front of our school. We buy anything that was in it. Some will buy gulaman, kwek-kwek, tempura and pearl coolers. As for me I buy siomai, my daily refresher for my brain.
    Now as I remember the siomai back home; it was not the taste of the siomai that made it especial. It was the good people around me whom I spent my four years with. They made the very simple siomai into a very especial one. Now I know what's the secret behind it. It was the hardwork you gave for it makes the food tastier and the people around you adds the especial flavor. And so after the long day, please eat siomai with me.

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